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Video Streaming Downloaders - youtube-dl-gui for Windows Version 2.27 Pre-release 3 - Free software for Windows - Update 19.12.2021 - GUI for youtube-dl + FFmpeg (ffmpeg.exe & ffprobe.exe) (which is used for converting). The goal of youtube-dl-gui is to make it as accessible to as many people as possible, which means a lot of power-user options aren't available in the general settings. That doesn't mean that power users can't use it, either. I included custom arguments for anyone who wants to set their own for downloading or converting. Prerequisites: this requires .NET Framework 4.5 or higher, the reasoning is because this program frequently uses Github's API which now only allows TLS 1.2, which isn't available on previous frameworks because... Microsoft. As soon as everything is settled, I can work on a more compatible version for < NET 4.5.
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