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New version 2.2.7 KravenModFHD - 05.09.2019 - Changelog: - Backdrop Covers for movie list added ***

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New version 2.2.7 KravenModFHD - 05.09.2019 - Changelog: - Backdrop Covers for movie list added *** Important: The backdrops are turned on or off in the plugin under Other Settings !!! (Movie list background) - The backdrops are not displayed in the movie list with MiniTV. (There is no transparency there) - The background of the backdrops is the one set in the plugin. - You can now choose the original Kraven background or a dark background for the backdrops. The settings can be found in the plugin under other settings 'Movie list background'. Due to the dark background, the colors of the backdrop covers are not so distorted.
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