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Vu+ Uno 4K SE openPLI 8.3 Backup biperva - 09.06.2023 - A backup has been prepared on the current op

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Vu+ Uno 4K SE openPLI 8.3 Backup biperva - 09/06/2023
Vu+ Uno 4K SE openPLI 8.3 Backup biperva - 09.06.2023 - A backup has been prepared on the current openPLI 8.3. Necessary plugins were installed and settings were made. Diseqc Settings A: Turksat 42E B: Hotbird 13E C: Thor 0.8W D: Astra 19.2E >> 4 satellite settings are installed. Picons of 4 satellites are installed (usr.share.enigma2.picon) - Image Mode 1080p - You can adjust according to the resolution of your TV.
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